The buzz is still buzzing and we are still plugging away at the holes in the boat, hoping to get this ship sailing. I saw a sign today..."I hope by ship comes in before the dock rots." Boy did that hit home.
The new water heater should be installed on Sunday. Hey, the installer suggested that, not me. I told him, "If you don't mind working on Sunday, that works for me."
I hope to close on the second loan on Tuesday, if the lawyers tell me that they are finally happy with the endless paperwork they have heaped into the river. Shouldn't there be a law against that?
And the display cases were delayed yet again. It seems that they finally got the glass, only to find out that the lamanent that I picked was being discontinued. I was then able to pick the exact match for the custom cabinets that were installed this week...From the Heart. They look fabulous!
The large temperer and the cooling cabinet that had been on back order were also delivered today. Now we have a "fancy" cupboard to put in trays of chocolate to cook within 10-15 minutes.
We are to meet with some Clarkson students on Monday and their investors. They will sell a selection of SLC on the hill. For those of you who are not familiar with Clarkson, it is a fine engineering and busienss school, located in Potsdam, and known for its NCAA Division I hockey (same league with Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, Cornell, etc.) Craig Conroy and Eric Cole are alums. But I digress.
So our new date to reach is Dec. 2. Hopefully we can start producing very soon, and get the place stocked.
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving, everyone.
Keep up the good work...it will all come together soon!
That cooler is one fancy piece of machinery. Thanks for the tour--it was great to see you and your able assistant ange this weekend.
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