Potsdam SummerFest 2009 was a great time for the most part. Only the driving rain late Saturday morning put a bit of damper on the craft show in the park. Business was lively Thursday and beautiful weather on Friday made it a great day to be out and about in the North Country. The clouds parted enough by the afternoon on Saturday, that the Willy Wonka Boat Float didn't sink, and was a fun experience for all of us. The float included Wilamena Wonka, Violet after she turned into a blueberry, four oompa loompas and one chocolate lab.... the same dog for which we named Red Gunner Bites (milk chocolate clusters with bits of pretzels.)
Blueberry creams are the flavor of the month and have been quite popular in both milk and dark. Next month will be a one called a Beverly, after our mother...it will be a root beer float flavor, one of her favorite treats.
Just a couple more photos of the day...